Spring 2013

The Life of Christ
We will continue our journey through, Free to Be, and examine who Jesus is and what that means for US today. Together we will examine the humanity of Christ from his childhood through his resurrection, all the while memorize special verses in the Bible.

January 13th
Jesus the boy with a Godly purpose
What does it mean that Jesus was a boy?  The short answer is that Jesus was FULLY human. He knew what the experience of being a child was. He was once small like ourselves, he had parents who cared for and worried about him. This means that Jesus can relate to you and I in EVERY way, because he knows what it feels like to be a child, meek and mild. 
When we read through our reading today we see that there are three important facts mentioned. The family returns to Galilee(show the kids where this is on the map provided), 2. Jesus was in a Temple(explain the temple), and lastly 3. Jesus is obedient to the will of God.  So, remember what we hope to take away from today is Jesus was FULLY human, a child even, he appeared in real places(Jerusalem and returns to Galilee), and while being human he was perfect always obedient to the will of God.  When we think on these things we can trust that Jesus can relate to US in every way, even as a child like yourselves.
January 20th
Jesus is baptized
 What is significant about Jesus’ baptism? When Jesus is being baptized by John the Baptist a dove, the Spirit of the Lord, descends upon Him we hear God say, “ Thou art my beloved Son, In thee I am well pleased.” Following His baptism Christ is tempted, but is perfect and does not fall. 
What we gain from these two stories is that Jesus is the Son of God & He is always FAITHFUL to obey the will of God. Therefore we know Jesus is someone we can put our trust in because  of who He is, perfect and the Son of God.  The main point is Christ is perfect in every way worthy of our faith and belief. 
January 27th
Jesus makes disciples 
Jesus comes to those who would least expect to  be approached  and calls them His disciples. The men he calls are fishermen. When you think of fisherman in light of God, we would not have picked them ourselves. WHO would you select? God works in the unexpected, calling all, even you and me. Did you know you too are a disciple of Christ? Anyone who believes in Christ is a saint and a very disciple of God.  So, what we learn from this story is Jesus had friends just like you and me. They lived together, praying, teaching, eating, and gathering together.  What we learn too is friendship is a gift from God. Do you have friends?  What do you enjoy most about friendship?
February 3rd
The Healing of the Ten Lepers
The significance of this account is that Jesus has come to heal the unclean.  He has not come for the righteous, but the unrighteous.  The children should walk away knowing that Jesus is a physical healer but more importantly a spiritual healer, “ Arise, and go on your way, your faith has made you well.”  We see that God’s character is to have mercy upon His people, so you can be assured He will have mercy upon you. 
Tell the children what a Leper is?  We want them to connect with the reality lepers were considered the most unclean of all. Jesus engages that uncleanliness and makes us good.
February 10th
Healing of the Man at the Pool
Jesus heals a paralytic. What we observe here is Jesus has mercy upon a man who can not help himself in anyway. The paralytic had been waiting for years to be the first to be placed in the pool of healing. Jesus recognizes the need and heals the man. What is significant here is that Jesus is healing the paralytic for a purpose. He heals the completely helpless. In no way can this man claim any credit to his salvation. The foreshadow in this story is that a description of who he are. We too are just like the paralytic when it comes to our relationship to God, we are helpless desperately in need for  a mediator to intervene. When we realize our need and come to know who is actively saving us, we then too are healed taking up our mat, setting forth to share the good news.
Have you ever felt helpless, similar to the paralytic? 
Know you can always turn to God, especially when we are helpless. 
February 17th
Giving Life to a Widow’s Son
In those days if you were a widow  you were the lowest in society because you could not work and earn money for yourself. It is inters ting that Jesus has mercy for the helpless over and over again. This miracle is significant in that the widow’s son was probably her prospect in survival in that he could eventually work.  The story is also significant because he has a large crowd following him. They have seen Jesus heal the lame, blind, and now the dead.  Jesus is demonstrating who he is, healer of all things(physical and spiritual). 
What would you think if you saw this miracle? 
What does this miracle say about God’s character? 

February 24th
Jesus Befriends Wrongdoers
Jesus continues to work in opposites. He befriends the unlikely. Here Jesus is at a dinner with well to do religious people. Jesus does not try and impress them, but continues his ministry with those who need him most. This account teaches us two things. Jesus is interested in the wrongdoer and he is able to forgive all the wrongs.  We also are given a very important teaching from Jesus, those that know they have been forgiven much loves much. Therefore we ought to remember we too are people that have been forgiven much and let us go forth loving much in that knowledge. 
“Your faith has saved you; go and be at peace.” 
March 3rd
God’s love for Sinners
What we learn from this story is that God is deeply interested in redeeming his people. In other words making what was wrong, right again. The wild son in this story knew that his father would have mercy upon him and hoped to be a slave, but we witness greater mercy, more grace then we could ever imagine. Have you ever been forgiven in such away that you were completely surprised? Have your parents ever shown a great amount of forgiveness unexpectedly? Jesus wants his people to know that he has that kind of love, so great that we too are given everything from God over and over again, no matter what. This is what is call unconditional love, which is the kind of love God gives us all the time. 

God’s Readiness to answer Prayer

Sometimes when we think of prayer, we often think of it more as a wish list.  What God is taking about it when it comes to answering prayer and in particular this account, he is taking about His readiness to forgive and receive those who want “the bread of life.” God is quick to forgive as we have seen time and time again throughout this semester. He is willing to meet our deepest needs, which is to redeem our hearts and minds. 
“knock and you shall receive.” 
March 17th
The Two Great Commandments
Which commandments to you find to be the most important? Jesus answers this question, they are to love the Lord your God and your neighbor. This makes sense. When you know who God is and his love for you , therefore you can turn to your neighbor in compassion and mercy. Jesus taught us that when one is forgiven much, they love much. This is true of knowing the greatest commandments. When you know who God is and what He has done for us, we love much(our neighbors). 
How have you cared for your neighbors, friends, or family? When you know your loved don’t you just want to love right back? 

March 24th
Jesus Feeds the Hungry
No need to share the beheading with the pre-school class. Just go right into the feeding of the 5000. 
The significance of this story is that Christ meets our physical and spiritual needs. He teaches the people nourishing them in the knowledge of himself then goes onto feeding the people. God in his mercy provides for the people in every way. 
Have you ever felt so hungry all you could think about was food? What happened when you finally were feed? Were you happy and grateful. This is how the people felt. They were so hungry and desperately needed to be nourished, Jesus meets that need. We experience this same feeding each Sunday when we receive communion. Did you know that, God continues to feed us with spiritual teaching and physical bread each Sunday at church. This is what is so significant about Easter. We remember that in Christ all our physical and spiritual needs are meet. 

March 31st
No Sunday School 
The children will attend church and sing during the offering. 

April 7th
Jesus Tells what He came to do“ I am the light of the world; he who follows me shall not walk in darkness, but shall have the light which gives life.”  Here we see that Jesus came into the world to forgive us, leaving us people with a life of hope and freedom. What kind of freedom? We are free to love one another and care about the things God cares about, not just ourselves. When God created the earth His intention was for people to live together caring for the world and one another. So, what was God’s intention for us, that we “shall have the light which gives life.”
April 14th
Jesus Resurrects Lazarus 
We have seen Jesus perform many miracles, bringing sight to the blind, healing the paralytics, and much more. Jesus has also claimed to bring life to those who are in darkness. The raising of Lazarus is a perfect example of Jesus bringing life to people. We see here that with God all things are possible. He can bring life to ANY situation. This is a good word for us in life. If you should encounter difficulty in life , you can remember from this account, that Jesus can bring life to ANY situation. It may not be in the way we expect, but He certainly will breath life into the most difficult of situations. 
Have you witnessed God making the impossible, possible for you? 

April 21st
Jesus Encourages His Disciples
After Jesus was crucified, he is resurrected on the third day. This is what we celebrate on Easter. Now that Jesus has appeared to his disciples He wants to encourage them in their faith. Jesus is physically leaving, but assures his disciples that He lives with them always. We are reminded that we are now friends in Christ, not his servants, but friends. We are assured in this account that Jesus chooses each and everyone of us.  We as his disciples will bear fruit in life and whatever we ask will be given. Jesus is not speaking of  a wish list of things, but of deeper meaning. Such as, courage in our faith, love for our neighbors, the things that God wants from us, He is quick to give.  Be of good cheer if you feel you lack faith or love just ask and he will provide all that is needed. 
April 28th
Jesus Conquers Death
What is significant about Jesus resurrection?  What it says to us is that with God all things are possible, even life eternal with God. This says to us, that we can turn to God for all. Throughout this semester we have witnessed Jesus heal physically, spiritually, and ever raise people from the dead. This is incredible. There is great significance in Jesus appearance to women. By appearing to women first, he continues to demonstrate that God works in the unexpected preparing the way for the equality in Jesus. “ There is neither Greek, nor Jew, free or slave, male or female, all are ONE in Christ Jesus. 
We hope that our children walk away from this Spring knowing that Jesus was Fully Man and God. One that is able to relate to us, show up mercy, and quick to forgive. 

May 5th 
Scripture Memorization 

May 12th
Scripture Memorization

May 19th
Scripture Memorization
Last Day of Sunday School we will end with a brunch following the 11 AM service.

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