Fall Curriculum 2012

Christ the Righteous

Here you will find our Fall semester curriculum. Our objective for this year is to familiarize our students with the Ten Commandments, so they walk away with a working knowledge of what they mean for us today. The Commandments are broken up into two sections. The first section is one through three; emphasizing our relationship with God and four through ten is an emphasis of our relationship with our neighbors. 

If there is one thing I hope the children will keep with them forever is to know that despite our unfaithfulness and rule breaking, God is ALWAYS faithful to us. The emphasis each week ought to be placed on the faithfulness of God, which we see in each story associated with each commandment. It is easy to focus on the commandments as a manual for life, but the truth is the purpose of these commandments is remind us of our need for Christ's righteousness in all of our relationships. 


Welcome to our fall semester of Sunday school!! Today the students will be wearing name tags. Introduce everyone in the class as well as  yourself and The Jesus Story Bible we will be using throughout the fall semester. Inform the children that together we are going to have a great time learning about God and each Sunday we will have a lesson along with a very fun craft.

Engage in the lesson and craft. When it is time to return to communion clean up all the materials . At the end of each class have the children pray together, The Lords Prayer. This will introduce them to prayer without putting anyone on the spot and by the end of the semester this prayer will be memorized. Ulitimately each Sunday we want the children to walk away encouraged and hopeful knowing that in our failures of the 10 commandments, Christ has fullfilled all demand. Therefore we walk away in charity and love knowing we can trust in God's faithfulness all our days.

I am the Lord your God. You shall have no other gods.
  • Great news, God has made a decision about each of YOU! He chooses YOU.
  • He comes to us and shows us that HE is our God and we belong to Him.
  • The God who created us has extended Himself to US. He wants us to know that we can trust in Him and though the world may present you with other gods, there is only ONE and we are His. 

    A giant staircase to heaven....Genesis 11
    1. In the story of Babel the people are building a large tower for the purposes of reaching God. Ultimately they want to be God, just like Adam and Eve wanted to be God. Like Adam and Eve He scatters the people and in His mercy meets them in their new found lands.

    God is ALWAYS seeking after you. This story teaches us on our own we have no way of connecting with God on our own and in our self-seeking we are make God into our own image. Our nature is always to take control and look inward to ourselves.

    God is constanting turning our faces to Him.

         The second commandement is not so much about cursing as it is instruction of WHO God is.
  • We are to cry out to Him in our need, just like a child crys out for their father. IN our deepest
    needs we are call upon the Lord, praise his name, and know that we can trust in Him.

  • This commandment is all about the recognition of who God is and who we are. He is almighty, everlasting, holy, etc...

  • When we find ourselves missusing His name, it has to do with our struggle to feel in control. When life feels out of hand we may find ourselves doubting who God is. In faith we can cry out to God.

    How to pray to God
  • When we pray to God we acknowledge who God is, almighty and in total control. He is the one we are to turn to for all our needs. When we use the Lord’s name we use it in praise and thanksgiving.

  • Go through the Lord’s prayer and take a look at how God’s name is used.

  • How woud you describe God’s name?

    Remember the sabbath and keep it holy.
  • Sabbath is a day to rest, listen, and receive God’s word, regarding it as holy. This is what we do each Sunday. When we come to Sunday
    school we are reminded that we are at peace with God, He loves us, and will walk with you all your days. Throughout the New Testament
    we see Jesus taking time to rest, pray, and listen to God.

  • God knows what is good for us and that the world is difficult, we are in need of the word of life. His word and sacraments sustain us.

    The Singer (sermon on the mount Matt. 6&9)
  • The people gathered to hear Jesus, what he told them reminded them that they have peace with God. He is in control and knows our every need.

  • He points to the lilly’s of the field and the sparrows reminding us, in His mercy he cares for us. Sometimes our circumstances make us think God is not in control, that is why we come together each Sunday, to be reminded that we are loved and deeply cared by God himself.

  • What do you enjoy most about church, prayer, or reading your Bible? 

        Honor your father and mother
  • God has told us about our relationship with Him in Commandments 1-3. Commandments 4-10 is focused on how we relate to one another.

  • God begins where we begin in life, at home. In family we begin to recognize something more then just ourselves. This is the first place of order in our daily lives.

  • Families function best when there is love and mutual respect of one another. When we hurt eachother, we honor one another by asking for forgiveness. It is often difficult to honor our parents because we are so inward focused and think we know best all the time. This is the life of the Christian the struggle between our perception and reality. We constantly find ourselves battling between what we think our needs are and what is best.

  • Christ is the only Son who has completely honored His father perfectly, even to his death, but trusting there would be good from His father. When we find ourselves in rebellion, we can remember that Christ is quick to forgive and saying I am sorry to our family members is part of the Christian life. 

  • The Present
  • In this story we learn that we can trust in God with all things. He is our father and cares for us. When we find ourselves in defiance of our parents it is because we think we know better. We always assume that no one knows what we need except for ourselves. The truth is even though we do not understand in the moment God always has our best interests in mind. We know we can trust Him.

  • In this story Abraham is torn by the circumstance, but trusts that God is faithful. In God’s mercy and loving nature, He is quick to provide a sacrifice. This is the foreshadow of Christ’s perfect sacrifice for us all. Teaching us that God is merciful and gives us His own Son.

You shall not kill
Having protected life where it begins, in the fourth commandment, God follows us out the door of our homes into our neighborhoods to protect our lives.

God’s intention for our lives is to love our neighbors as we love ourselves. This commandment is about trust in who God is recognizing He will care for us always.

The Captain of the Storm
  • The disciples are afraid and begin to panic. Even though they have Jesus in the boat with them, they are lacking in faith. When we are afraid or do not trust in the Lord, we often find ourselves trying to take control.

  • When people physically hurt others it is the result of feeling out of control. We want people to behave a certain way and when they don’t people try and take the situation into their hands, instead of trusting that God will eventually calm the storms.

  • In what situation have you experianced God being the captain of a storm in your life? 

    You shall not commit adultery/God is ALWAYS faithful. 

    (Teachers, note to be cautious in this discussion, focus on God's faithfulness to us always, that is what we want the children to focus on. At the end of class I want them to know that God is faithful no matter what we encounter in life.)

    Pre-K-K : Do not discuss the word adultery, but emphasis God's faithfulness to us and how this is emphasized in our reading.

    God is interested in protecting our families and friendships. In that He
    teaches us to keep our promises to one another, and in this case marriage.

    If you have experianced broken promises we are reminded that God never breaks his promises. No matter what family circumstances you
    experiance we can trust that God is ALWAYS faithful, even when we are not. 

  • The Terrible Lie
  • In this story we are reminded that we are often tempted to belive that God does not have our best intensions and does not understand what we need. Thus we begin to distrust and desire that which we do not need nor benefits ourselves or neighbors.

  • How did the terrible lie change Adam and Eve’s situation?

  • What was the lie all about?

  • What do you think of the story?

    You shall not steal

    God trusts us to use the things given to us to help our neighbors “improve and protect their property.” We are given gifts to be used for
    the benefit of our neighbors. 

    The forgiving prince
  • The brother’s of Joseph were so jealous and wanted what he had. The result they ended up selling Joseph into slavery. When we want what other’s have and try and take them, lots of problems follow. Luckily God redeems this family scenario by showering His mercy upon them through Joseph.
  • All good things are from God and everything is a gift to you. Therefore, we ought to share what we have for the benefit of our neighbor in the knowledge that God has given us MUCH. 

  • Have you ever shared something that you know your friends or school mate really wanted? 

  • What do you think of the story?

  • How did God show his mercy and forgiveness?

  • You shall not bear false witness against your neighbor.
    Because God has given you your name in baptism, you can see to it that other peoples names are cared for too. God will protect your name and your neighbors names to the end keeping the earth ready for the day when all name destroying will no longer exist.

  • Operation No more tears 
Here we read a message of hope. In Christ we know that he was ultimately rejected and called all sorts of terrible names. Christ took on the ulitimate form of rejection, therefore we remember the rejection he endured on our behalf resulting in the fruit of charity among our neighbors.
This is a story or hope, reminding us the tauntings of this life will not be the fruit that last, God has made a proclimation about you, even if you find yourself taunted. You are heirs of his kingdom, sons and daughters.

- Why do you think the people taunted Isaiah?

- What are your thoughts on this story? 

You shall not covet your neighbor’s house & anyone in their household.

These two commandements teach us that we as people often want what our friends and neighbors have. Have you ever felt jealous of a friend
with a bigger apartment or possesions? This is what God is getting at. We ought not desire the things that belong to those around us. When we
find ourselves in jealousy always comparing, relationships are not fostered but destroyed. 

The girl no one wanted.
Here we see Leah, the rejected sister operating in the knowledge that Christ loves her no matter what life brings. She was ulitimately rejected for her more beautiful sister and yet God redeems her situation. God uses her family to redeem the whole world. God is always at work showering us in His many mercies.
We often find ourselves feeling jealous of others lives when we feel we are not enough, that is why we come to church each week to be reminded, that like Leah God redeems us because He has a love greater then we could ever imagine. So, when you find yourself wanting the things our friends and neighbors have, we can remember that God has given us everything, this allows us to have compassion for one another quick to ask for forgiveness.

- What did you think of Leah’s situation?

- How did God redeem this family?

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